Benefit of Nuts Milk

No animals need be involved
Tastes great
Lots of good protein
Lactose free
Usually gluten free (if you are allergic)
Great for baking and cooking
Soy free (for those who are allergic)

The following is a list of some of the most popular nuts and their benefits:

(All measurements of protein are per 100 grams / 3.5 oz)

Almonds - the most popular milk and the most popular nut with 21 grams of protein, high in calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus

Cashews - 18 grams of protein, high in potassium, magnesium, vitamin A

Chestnuts - low in protein, low in fat, high in fibre, B vitamins

Hazelnut (filbert) - 15 grams of protein, high in potassium, sulfur, calcium

Peanuts - complete protein source with 26 grams of protein, highest fat content of all nuts

Pecans - 9 grams of protein, high in essential fatty acids, potassium, vitamin A

Pine Nut (pignolia) - 24 grams of protein, high in thiamin, phosphorus, iron, niacin

Pistachio - 20 grams of protein, high in iron

Walnuts - 15 grams of protein, high in potassium, magnesium, vitamin A, omega 3 essential fatty acids

Sesame - Calcium, B vitamins riboflavin, Thiamine, Niacin, Folic acid, Vit B6, Dietary Fiber, Vit A, Vit D, Phosporus, Selenium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron, Vit E, Managese, cooper, Fat, Protein, Sodium, Calories.

* Sesame milk contains calcium: 1404.0 mg, compared with cow's milk which only contains Calcium: 291 mg/200ml milk

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