Facts About Cloth Diapers

Our country is facing a serious environmental problem with our diapers. Its a been a problem of society since from the beginning, yet modern man has made the worst possible solution to it. Through all our achievements and progress, we seem to have found the worst possible solution for this problem. Disposable diapers are used by 95% of the population, and its filling up our landfills and its manufacturing process is destroying our ozone layer. Early man dealt with it fine. Our grandparents did a great job with it. What has convinced our modern society to wrap toxic waste in plastic and leave it sitting in a landfill for the next 300 to 500 years? Consider the amount of toxins we release into the air to produce the saran-wrap that prevents the natural bio-degradation process that has been a way of life for centuries. We need to take steps to help protect our environment, and switching to cloth diapers from disposable diapers is something that we as a society need to do.

What can be done to solve this problem?

The answer is cloth diapering. Cloth diapering can stop our landfills from filling up with toxic waste and plastic. It reduces demand on oil and saves the ruthless destruction of our nation's forests. Not only does cloth protect the future of our planet, cloth diapering also reduces the chances and frequency of diaper rash. You also save money, and look stylish while you do it. What would you rather be swaddled in? Plastic or comfortable, breathable cotton? Our grandparents had it right! Cloth diapering is the best thing to do for our future. Click here to get started with cloth diapering.

Find out more at: http://www.clothdiapers.org/facts-about-cloth

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